Saturday, November 8, 2008

Need for a peace inside

This last week, I have been up and down, in fact there have been more downs this whole semester. I have tried to find some peace in me. The great cleanup started and slowed down and almost stopped but as I try to tidy up my thoughts and emotions so that everything else will be ordered.

Some years ago Su-Young introduced me to Yiruma, 이루마. His music is so relaxing and gentle. It lifts my spirits and quietly the world is somehow a little better than it was before. It was two emails from Korea that have greatly encouraged me and then again also one from here. Chaconne I think is one of Yiruma's best- very simple and effective. It's more a matter of the soul of the music rather than the complexity or busyness, it's less about demonstrating technique and more about communicating. In my ESL teaching I keep reminding my students about this communicate don't try to demonstrate your vocabulary.

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