Monday, July 12, 2010

culture clash from Sacred Spirit

I found this in my CD collection as I clear thing up the piles of CD's that I've accumulated over the years. A blend of electronica probably Triphop beats, with blues and cello, it's pretty emotive.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Korean folksong

This a beautiful piece from Korea. It is a national jewel and Julian Lloyd Webber does an incredible job. Sadly this was not released on North American versions of the Cello Songs CD. As I wait for Iris's return this is very dear to my heart.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dr Draw @ Taste of the Danforth

Even with the rain and the lousy sound quality out front, this was amazing from the side. A really enjoyable set, inspiring and offered new ideas for me in my cello playing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Mission

I discovered this beautiful piece by Ennio Morricone today from the movie The Mission. Earlier I met with one of my international students to do some English practice. She shared that she had been talking with one of my colleagues. When asked she shared that she related to me as a teacher and as a friend, then a pause and she said as a mother. I smiled because I knew as father was impossible. Other's in the past have said grandma etc.

When my 'ma' passed away years ago I decided that her caring nature and values for neighbours and strangers was something I really wanted incarnate. Perhaps that is my mission.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Beauty and sadness

Sometime I come across something on youtube that I really like and Sifei Wen's arrangement and performance of the theme from Schindler's List is in that category.

It is very precise and maybe perhaps could have been a little more free in timing but still something of beauty. I had a little scare this week when I couldn't see properly because of bright lights in my eyes. For 2 days I was a little worried even though they went away because perhaps there was damage or I might need an operation. Still I'm OK but tired from worrying. I think because I realized for the first time there isn't anyone to look after me if I get sick or disabled. Anyhow I'm OK for now and enjoy Sifei Wen.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Breathe and breath

Matt recommended I should listen some of the youtube performances from Abbey Road Live. I found this by David Gray who gives this amazing performance and explanation of his song Breathe.

Strangely 2 acoustic guitars and acoustic bass and a minimalist style very simple and so full of emotion. I feel my life is deeply full of conflicting emotions and the song is very real.

Breathe is our taking in and pushing out of air. Breath is the air we exhale and not the air we bring into our lungs. The trouble I keep seeing is people too involved in breath; their words, their opinions, everything focused on control of others. Perhaps we all need to focus on breathing.

Monday, January 26, 2009

more mellow and more relaxed

These guys are doing what I really would love to have the chance and freedom to do. Very mellow and funky at the same time. I'm perhaps a little on the overly focused and people don't really understand me. God grant me more music in my life.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

electronic cello

I suppose I'm interested in a lot of different things but at core cello is important and music is a focus for the deepest parts of me. I wish I could play more and this odd performance expresses one interest area.

I have found my trust in the activity of God especially in the person of the Holy Spirit continues to grow and ministry changes with more looking and watching and less trying to make things happen. Their improvisation is mellow and unforced a natural conversation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Popular culture fans?

The twenty million people who buy a Britney Spears’ record aren’t music fans they’re popular culture fans.- before the music dies

BEFORE THE MUSIC DIES is an unsettling and inspiring look at today’s popular music industry. This documentary is so challenging for me when I examine the trends in worship music. What is happening out front in our churches and services?

The quality and especially musicianship and creativity is now so low. What is happening? I think the critical analysis of this 2006 documentary should be applied to popular worship music. I am saddened by the lack and commercialism and loss of real meaning in worship. We have become fans of popular Christian culture rather than being moved by music. What has happened are people who understand how music can move people are missing.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

gritty and real

Life is both light and darkness. I have been reading Mike Pilavachi's For the Audience of One. It says everything I have issues with and one is the need for worship to be able to lament, to cry and feel sad and down. We need to face the tears of life. At the same time I am astounded by The Shack by William P. Young which I recently completed. There are many who find it distasteful and even demonic because it undermines some very cherished ways of seeing God. But perhaps it is our pre-judgments about God that affect even our willingness to be open to God and our way of seeing the world.

The cello can and should sometimes sound sweet or melancholically sad or even griity and a tiny bit angry.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

enjoying the cello

I'm trying to enjoy my new cello but still unhappy both with the sound, my own limitations and finding people to interact with me creatively. What can you do with a cello and violin? Well small is beautiful simply and yet vibrant.

I'm needing musicians willing to think and play outside the box. My own spiritual life needs this as well otherwise things become stale, dried and without life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

cello singer

Ken Oak Band just caught my ears somewhat unconventional but yet I love his lyrics singing and playing. Somehow even in heartache there are always moments of joy if only we look for them. I wonder...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Open the eyes

I haven't posted recently here in this blog and I realize it's important for me. Sophie in Korea really encouraged me today. Because life can be really tough for me - I do find things a struggle to keep going. I really thank God for her message,
You always open your hands to us. Today I went your blog your world. I can feel a little bit relaxing and joy in your world. We all gone through hard time this year and we are going to face that over and over. But it's ok. we are stronger enough to overcome all different difficulties in Jesus. aren't we?
We really need to see the world through different eyes constantly different eyes... River Tribe are an Australian Band I came across accidently just buying their CD in a sale for 3 dollars and later found them to be Christian.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Need for a peace inside

This last week, I have been up and down, in fact there have been more downs this whole semester. I have tried to find some peace in me. The great cleanup started and slowed down and almost stopped but as I try to tidy up my thoughts and emotions so that everything else will be ordered.

Some years ago Su-Young introduced me to Yiruma, 이루마. His music is so relaxing and gentle. It lifts my spirits and quietly the world is somehow a little better than it was before. It was two emails from Korea that have greatly encouraged me and then again also one from here. Chaconne I think is one of Yiruma's best- very simple and effective. It's more a matter of the soul of the music rather than the complexity or busyness, it's less about demonstrating technique and more about communicating. In my ESL teaching I keep reminding my students about this communicate don't try to demonstrate your vocabulary.

Friday, October 17, 2008

All you need is love

Beatles what can you say except the cellos make a real difference to the song. Perhaps what you need is love with some cellos? Life has been crazy with Thanskgiving lunch for over 60 people and saturday's outing to Crawford Lake for over 30 people. Trying to raise the cars and drivers and thank God for Rosanne who reminded me to pray. Well I confess I asked her to pray! Then I decided perhaps I ought to in all the sress of it. What we need a spirituality fo the presence of God - hence the cellos (if you hadn't guessed the metaphor from my main blog.)

Friday, October 10, 2008


I've just fallen in love a cello piece written by Mark Summer of Turtle Island String Quartet. He's quite a cellist in the alternative style. This weekend brings a lot of stress with Thanksgiving lunch to organize and co-ordinate. My Friend Brian has been bailing me out and stopping the boat sinking. I'm beginning to think I need to escape to a happier less stressful world found in this piece of music.

Monday, October 6, 2008


To a new home in the sun

Prelude a British trio covered the Neil Young song 'After the Goldrush'. It has a totally different feeling to the original. It forms part of my youth and echoes deeply my late teens and early twenties. I saw Prelude live during this era and it still haunts.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Celtic Rock

Bagpipes are one of those instruments I wanted to learn but never got round to. Many years ago every Easter we took the local kids away on a boating trip. The places to moor up our boats each eveing were limited. I really wanted to play the bagpipes so I could drive the other boats further away. One year we had Ann who sung to them, and she was pretty successful in making space.

Rawlins Cross were a band I saw in the 1990s, and the bagpipes were loud enough not to need an amplifier! Colleen is one of my favourite numbers by them.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

we don't talk anymore

It's so funny that we don't talk anymore - Cliff is part of my youth - he was one of my youth leaders which is surprising...

So many people I have almost lost contact with and wish I could find the time to search them out again. One of the stresses and strains of working with internationals is saying goodbye and not sure if we will ever talk again? Where are they now?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Horslips - Loudest

Horslips are one of the loudest bands I heard back in the early 1970s. They are an Irish rock band with electric mandolin and Uilleann pipes and prove that fusion worlds with tradtional instruments are viable rather than just guitars and drums.