Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Something sublime

"...You have often heard of the famous Miserere in Rome, which is so greatly prized that the performers are forbidden on pain of excommunication to take away a single part of it, copy it or to give it to anyone. *But we have it already*. Wolfgang has written it down and we would have sent it to Salzburg in this letter, if it were not necessary for us to be there to perform it. But the manner of performance contributes more to its effect than the composition itself. Moreover, as it is one of the secrets of Rome, we do not wish to let it fall into other hands...." Leopold Mozart

Gregoria Allegri wrote 'Miserere mei'. Setting of Psalm 51 for nine voices (two separate choirs of 4 and 5). The story goes that it was only sung in the Sistine Chapel in Rome Maunday Thursday and Good Friday and the music was closely guarded. Then enters the 12 year old Mozart who visited Rome with his father Leopold, who on one listening transcribed the parts Thursday evening and on Good Friday corrected his score.

In my choir days I sung it in service one person per part and when the top treble/soprano sung a top C my heart bursts open with utter impossibility, that which is beyond me, ineffability and transcendence.

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